Making a card bord truck.

Hi during the week i tried to build a cardboard truck. I found a youtube clip and i watched that to know how to make my cardboard truck. I only made it out of hot glue, plastic, cardbord, and bottle lids. The bottle lids were used for the wheels and the plastic was used to […]

bio security by glen brown.

today a guy came from a place called Byers Security. Hey talk to us about our security and animals and peace and traps. and what he does. he showed us a relocator Beacon. he had a hole slide full of infomation to teach us. he showed us how to set the trap and how it […]

My electronic kit.

In the holadays i went to hastings because our car need to be fixed at a shop dwon there. Wile the car was geting fix they gave us a nother one to drive around in. so me my sister and mum went shoping and i brought a electronic kit. You can make over a thousand […]

Going away to Lake Waikaremoana

The day before the school holiday i went to lake waikaremoana for my winter trip. i went with my family and my granddad and juli. my brother didn’t come till saterday. we had had three boats up there and we had the holerday park to our self no one was there. my grandad lives in […]